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历史上的今天  9月20日 Today in History  September 20



    May 12, 2009,Pattern of palm leaves shooting during the 62nd Cannes International Film Festival(Below).Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Yu and Wei She


    September 20, 1946,The inaugural Cannes International Film Festival held in France,The Film Festival has highest award"Palme d'Or".Beginning in 1951,Film Festival held in May each year.


    September 20, 1950,Mao Zedong, chairman of the Central People's Government command,Announced the national emblem of the People 's Republic of China and description:"The national emblem of a national flag/Tiananmen Square/Gear and ears of wheat and rice,A symbol of the Chinese people since‘Fifty-four’Movement since the democratic revolution led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, the people's democratic dictatorship , the birth of new China."


图为报告投票表决结果时,全体代表起立热烈鼓掌(资料照片)。 新华社发

The Pictured report poll results,All representatives to stand and applauded the(Profile photo). Xinhua News Agency issued


    September 20, 1954,The birth of China 's first constitution.Adopted by the first session of the National People's Congress meeting/Issued by the[The Constitution of the People's Republic of China],The People's Republic of China 's first Constitution.


    September 20, 1958,University of Science and Technology of China was established in Beijing,Guo Ren first president.1970 moved to Hefei, Anhui.University of Science and Technology of China, is a Polytechnic combine/Both management and humanities comprehensive national key university.


    September 20, 1981,China's first"Stone Samsung"The successful launch.The day,China 's first successful launch of a rocket of a group of three satellites -"Scientific experiment satellite , No. 9",Marks major breakthrough in China's space industry.


    September 20, 1989,China 's Ministry of Health and other ministries to determine Every year on this day as a"National Love Teeth Day".

    2001年9月20日,第一个“公民道德宣传日”。中共中央于当日印发《公民道德建设实施纲要》,提出要在全社会大力提倡“爱国守法,明礼诚信,团结友善,勤俭自强,敬业奉献”的基本道德规范。2003年,经党中央同意,中央精神文明建设指导委员会决定,从当年开始,将9月20日定为“公民道德宣传日”。 (新华社记者张胜利 赵淳)

    September 20, 2001,First"Citizen Ethics Awareness Day".CPC Central Committee issued on the same day[Citizens Morality],Proposed and advocates"Patriotic law-abiding,Courtesy and honesty,Unity and friendliness,Diligence and self,Dedication"The basic code of ethics.In 2003,The CPC Central Committee agreed,Central Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee decided,From the beginning with the year,September 20"Citizen Ethics Awareness Day". (Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Shengli and Zhao Chun)

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