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历史上的今天  5月23日 Today in History  May 23


这是易卜生的画像。 新华社

This is the portrait of Ibsen. Xinhua News Agency issued


    May 23, 1906,Norwegian dramatist/Poet/One of the pioneers of modern European theater of Ibsen 's death,At the age of 78 years.His masterpiece theater[Pillars of Society][A Doll's House][Enemy of the People]Wait.


    May 23, 1937,Famous American industrialist/Philanthropist/Mobil Oil founder Rockefeller 's death,Age of 98.


    May 23, 1942,Mao Zedong in Yan'an Forum made ??an important speech at the closing session.The speech,Together with Mao Zedong May 2 conference speech,Together constitute an important issue of Mao Zedong on literary treatise[In the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Speech].



This is the May 23 local government of Tibet signed the agreement on behalf of.Xinhua News Agency issued(Profile photo)


    May 23, 1951,The Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet signed in Beijing[Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet agreement](Abbreviation"Seventeen-Article Agreement"),Peaceful Liberation of Tibet,Regional ethnic autonomy in Tibet foundation.


    May 23, 1981,The first session of the China Golden Rooster Awards Announced.Golden Rooster Award is the Chinese film industry 's highest award professional selection,Sponsored by the China Film Association,To reward outstanding achievements in recognition of outstanding films and filmmakers.Golden Rooster Award selected once a year,Awards committee composed of experts from the movie,Awards of 23,If necessary, additional special awards and honors Awards.


    May 23, 1991,The world's first test tube test tube embryo cryopreservation transplanted sheep in Inner Mongolia University Experimental Animal Research Center smooth birth.


    May 23, 1997,China established diplomatic relations with the Bahamas.The Bahamas is located in the most northern part of North America, the West Indies, the Bahamas,Capital Nassau.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Wenrong/Su Xiaoping)

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