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历史上的今天  5月19日 Today in History  May 19


    May 19, 1613,Chinese Ming Dynasty Great traveler/Science and writer Xu departure from Zhejiang Ninghai,Traveled the mountains of Sichuan,Footprint in today's Zhejiang/Shanghai/Shaanxi/Henan/Guangdong/Hubei/Yunnan/Beijing and other 19 provinces,Wrote more than 60 million words[Xu Travels],Left a sum of terrain features/Explore the social history of the Ming Dynasty/Enlighten people to develop a valuable asset for the tourism industry.


    May 19, 1890,The birth of Ho Chi Minh.Ho Chi Minh is the founder of the Workers' Party of Vietnam/The leader of the national liberation movement/President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.1922 he joined the Communist Party in France,Was established in 1927 in Guangzhou, China"Vietnamese revolutionaries Union".He returned to China in 1930,The establishment of the Indochinese Communist Party(Later renamed the Workers' Party of Vietnam),Launched an armed uprising.He led the Vietnamese people in the struggle against the French colonialists and Japanese imperialism,The leadership of the Vietnamese people successfully conducted the war against France and against U.S. aggression and for national salvation war,Died in Hanoi on September 3, 1969,At the age of 79.



This is a portrait of José Martí.Xinhua News Agency issued


    May 19, 1895,Famous Cuban poet/Writer/National hero Jose Marti,Sacrifice fighting organizations and the United fighting for the independence movement in Cuba,As young as 42-year-old.He is a Cuban to get rid of Spanish rule,A symbol of the struggle for independence.He sacrificed his life for the freedom of Cuba,Synonymous with his name in Latin America to become a free.His major works include:Poem[Free poetry]/Prose[Our Americas][Whitman][Bolivar]Wait.


    May 19, 1938,Chinese troops abandon Xuzhou,The end of the Battle of Xuzhou.During the Battle of,The two sides have spent hundreds of thousands of troops.Chinese troops in Taierzhuang Japanese annihilation of more than 10,000 people a tremendous victory,To the enemy in order to effectively crack down on,Encouraged by the will of the National People's Anti-Japanese War.



Xinhua News Agency issued


    May 19, 1975,TRANYOUNG death of the country's leading labor model,At the age of 60.Chuanxiang 1952 in Chongwen District, Beijing, the cleaning team when scavenging workers,1956 joined the Chinese Communist Party.He"Would prefer a dirty,In exchange for 10,000 net"The spirit,Made outstanding achievements in the ordinary post,Met by the party and state leaders.He held in Beijing in 1959 as the country's advanced producers participated in the National"Majestic",Was also elected as members of the Bureau,The Third National People's Congress.


    May 19, 2000,United Nations[The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons]The 2000 Review Conference in New York.The main topics of the conference.:[The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons]The universality;Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament and a nuclear-free zone.During the meeting,China/United States/Russia/Britain/Five countries reached an agreement in France,"Clear commitment"Comprehensive destruction of nuclear weapons..(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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