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    April 28


    April 28, 1927,One of the founders of the Communist Party of China/Chinese communist movement pioneer Dazhao and 20 other revolutionaries in the western suburbs of Beijing China Lane capital detention centers in league with imperialism Manchurian warlord Chang Tso-lin secret strangling.The Li Dazhao at arrested on 6 April of the same year,Martyrdom at the age of 38 years old.


 这是反映井冈山会师的油画。 新华社发   

This is reflected Jinggangshan realignment painting. Xinhua News Agency issued   


    April 28, 1928,Zhu De/Chen Yi led the Nanchang Uprising troops preserved and Shonan uprising Nongjun,Autumn Harvest Uprising troops led by Mao Zedong in Jiang Xi Ninggang longshi successfully joined forces,Known as the Jinggangshan rendezvous.




    The photo shows 1938,Italian dictator Benito Mussolini from the German school to go goose,He dubbed"Rome step".Xinhua News Agency issued 


    April 28, 1945,Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini fled to Switzerland on the way,The leadership of the Communist Party of Italy guerrillas captured executions.


    April 28, 1956,Mao Zedong in the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central"Flourishing,Flowers"Of"Double hundred"Policy.


    这是2004年4月28日,为纪念《中华人民共和国国防教育法》颁布3周年,大连边防检查站官兵来到大连第39中学,为同学们宣讲国防教育法。 新华社发

    This is April 28, 2004,To commemorate the[National Defense Education Law of the People's Republic of China]3 anniversary of the promulgation of,Dalian frontier inspection station officers and soldiers came to Dalian No. 39 Middle School,Preach the National Defense Education Act for students. Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 28, 2001,[National Defense Education Law of the People's Republic of China]Official purposes.


    April 28, 2001,[The decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China\u003e]Adopted by the Ninth NPC Standing Committee at its 21st session,And shall come into force as of the date of publication.Again revised Marriage Law, a new invalid institution of marriage and annulment of the marriage system.


    April 28, 2001,President Jiang Zemin signed No. 49 Order of the President,Announce[Tax Collection and Administration Law of the People's Republic of China],The official purposes of the law since May 1, 2001.


    April 28, 2001,President Jiang Zemin signed Presidential Decree No. 50,Announce[Trust Law of the People's Republic of China],The official purposes of the law since October 1, 2001.


    April 28, 2003,China Banking Regulatory Commission formally.


    April 28, 2011,National Bureau of Statistics released the sixth national census data,The country's total population of 1,370,536,875 people,Where the census of 31 mainland provinces/Autonomous region/Municipalities and servicemen of the total population of 1,339,724,852.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)

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