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历史上的今天  2月23日 Today in History  February 23


    February 23, 1855,German mathematician/Physicist/Astronomers Gauss 's death,Age of 78 years.Gauss early years, they tear down the mathematical theory and methods of the 18th century,His innovation of number theory to open up the tight roads leading to the mid-19th century Analytics.He not only made ??a profound contribution to Pure Mathematics,And astronomy/Geodesy and electromagnetism also made ??important contributions to.


    February 23, 1934,Famous British composer/20th century renaissance of British music pioneers Elgar 's death,At age 77.Works:[Shred of dignity dignified]March 5/Overture[City of London]/Symphony[Sherlock Flagstaff]Wait.


    February 23, 1947,The formal establishment of the International Organization for Standardization,Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland,Is an independent non-governmental organization.The purpose of the organization is recognized by all countries through the development of international standards,To facilitate the international exchange of goods and services,Reduction of trade barriers,And development in the knowledge/Science/Technical and economic cooperation activities.



Xinhua News Agency issued


    February 23, 1951,Zhang Boling , a famous modern Chinese educators , who passed away in Tianjin,The age of 75.Zhang Boling built in 1907 Nankai Middle School,1918 Office of Nankai University,Rector.Do Nankai Girls' College in 1923,Located Nankai Experimental Primary School in 1928,He served as Beijing Tsinghua School Dean,Chairman of the Board of Education and Culture Fund.His life engaged in the cause of education,Focus on education reform,Emphasis on education to adapt to China's national conditions,Moral/Wisdom/Body/Aesthetic times,Emphasis patriotic education,Actively cultivate national salvation talent,Made a significant contribution to the development of China 's modern education.


    February 23, 1979,Decided at the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People 's Congress,Arbor Day March 12 of each year for the Chinese.


    February 23, 2006,Han Xiaopeng , Chinese athletes won the men's freestyle skiing aerials gold medal in the Winter Olympics in Turin , Italy.This is a snow gold medal Chinese athletes in Winter Olympics history,Also the first men's champion.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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