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    December 7


December 7th annual International Civil Aviation Day.December 7, 1944,The 52 countries of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago(Also known as the Chicago Convention).According to the provisions of the Chicago Convention,April 4, 1947,ICAO formally established.A resolution of the 29th session of the ICAO Assembly, held in September 1992,Since 1994 the 50 anniversary of the signing of the Chicago Convention,Annually as on December 7"International Civil Aviation Day".



Pictured Pearl Harbor incident,Smoke billowed from the inner harbor.Xinhua News Agency issued


December 7, 1941,Japanese army deployed more than 350 aircraft within two hours attack on the United States on the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific naval base in Pearl Harbor,U.S. warships sunk wounding more than 40 vessels,Blow up the aircraft of more than 200 aircraft,U.S. casualties, more than 4,000 people.U.S. military main warships"Arizona"Was hit by a bomb sank,Of shipboard 1,177 officers and men of all martyrdom.The next day,The United States formally declared war on Japan,The outbreak of the Pacific War.


December 7, 1970,Federal German Chancellor Willy Brandt kneel before the Monument of the Polish capital Warsaw Jewish martyrdom.




Zheng Lucheng children together photo.Xinhua News Agency issued


December 7, 1976,Zheng Lucheng, a famous Chinese composer's death,Age of 59.Zheng Lucheng born in North Korea,1950 joined the Chinese nationality.The main works[Eighth Route Army march](That[People's Liberation Army military songs])[Anti-Japanese Sabres][Message Man Goes][Extension Knot][Production rumors][Korean People's Army march]Wait.


December 7, 1985,Seven countries of South Asia Regional Cooperation Summit opened in Dhaka, Bangladesh.In the history of South Asia,7 heads of state sit together and jointly discuss regional cooperation big,This is the first.The main agenda of the South Asian Summit,Formal organization of the establishment of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation"South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)",Union Charter and a Joint Declaration.


December 7, 1990,Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the country"Support model city""Support exemplary County"Inscription(Shuangyong,That Yongjunyouzhu,Cherishing).January 1991,Ministry of Civil Affairs/The General Political Department jointly named the first batch of national support model city(County).



    December 7, 1992,From the Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park/Suoxiyu/Tianzishan three scenic Wulingyuan scenic area,Was listed by UNESCO"World Natural Heritage List".Xinhua News Agency issued


December 7, 1992,From the Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park/Suoxiyu/Tianzishan three scenic Wulingyuan scenic area,Was listed by UNESCO"World Natural Heritage List".


December 7, 1996,United States"Columbia"Space shuttle in the creation of a long space flight(Lasted 17 days 15 hours 53 minutes)After,Return to the Kennedy Space Center.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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