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历史上的今天   1月8日 Today in History   January 8


这是伽利略像。 新华社

This is Galileo like. Xinhua News Agency issued


January 8, 1642,Famous Italian mathematician/Astronomer/Physicist Galileo 's death,Age of 78 years.Galileo to make a significant contribution to the development of modern scientific thought.He is the first to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies astronomers,Was considerable evidence that the earth rotated around the sun,Geocentric theory.Since his first science experiments and mathematical analysis methods combined and used to study the law of motion of inertial motion and falling bodies,Pave the way for the study of Newton's first and second laws of motion,So often considered to be the founder of modern mechanics and experimental physics.


    图为白求恩在晋察冀边区涞源县临时手术室里,为伤员做手术(资料照片)。 新华社发 

    Pictured Bethune Border Laiyuan County temporary operating room,Surgery for the wounded(Profile photo). Xinhua News Agency issued 


January 8, 1938,Famous surgeon in Canada/Great internationalist fighter Bethune led the Canadian and American medical teams to China,Support of the Chinese People 's Anti-Japanese War.


January 8, 1959,General de Gaulle became the first president of the Fifth Republic of France.Re-elected as President in 1965.


January 8, 1976,Great Marxist and proletarian revolutionaries/One of the outstanding leader of the Communist Party of China/CPC Central Committee and Vice Chairman/Premier/Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee , Zhou Enlai died in Beijing,Age of 78 years.


January 8, 1979,China and the Republic of Djibouti, the establishment of diplomatic relations.Djibouti located in eastern Africa,Capital, Djibouti.


January 8, 1996,Beijing Urban Cooperative Bank officially opened.The formation of urban cooperative banks of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council made ??a major decision to deepen the reform of China's financial system.The approval of the State Council,The work of setting up first in Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen/Tianjin/Shijiazhuang five pilot cities.


January 8, 1996,Former French President Francois Mitterrand 's death,Age of 79.21th French President Mitterrand in May 1981 , he was elected,Re-elected President of France in May 1988.He was the 1961/Visit to China in 1981 and 1983.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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