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历史上的今天  2月24日 Today in History  February 24


    February 24, 1810,The death of British physics and chemist Cavendish,Aged 79 years.He has to verify the law of universal gravitation torsion balance,To determine the gravitational constant and the average density of the Earth.In chemistry, he first proposed the chemical composition and verify that the water and air.He test of the conductive body,Measured current is proportional to the relationship the conductor between potential and through the,Essentially this is Ohm's law.He made important contributions to the development of modern physics.


    February 24, 1815,American inventor/Engineer/Artist/Practical steamboat inventor of Fulton's death,Age 50.He designed for the U.S. Navy to produce a steam engine warships into the water in 1814.



Xinhua News Agency issued


    February 24, 1935,Changting County, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China Shuheng breakout died a heroic death in battle,When 59-year-old.Shuheng and Mao Zedong in 1918/Hesen initiated the establishment of the New People Society,Served as executive chairman.Participated in the Communist Party of China held in Shanghai, the first National People's Congress in July 1921.


    February 24, 1963,Chinese athletes, 21-year-old Luo Zhihuan at the World Speed ??Skating Championships in Tokyo, Japan in the men's 1,500-meter race,Excellent results of 2 minutes and 9 seconds to win the world champion.Chinese athletes achieved for the first time individual world champion ice sports.


    February 24, 1976,The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit held in Bali, Indonesia.ASEAN summit signed[The Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation in Southeast Asia]And[Universal Declaration of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations coordinated].


    February 24, 1981,The formal establishment of the Academic Degrees Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.


    February 24, 2003,First national scholarship presentation ceremony held at the Great Hall of the People.The national university of 45,000 students from economically disadvantaged high academic achievers were the first national scholarship.Of which 10,000 first prize,6000 yuan per person per scholarship;35,000 second prize,4000 yuan per person per scholarship;At the same time,Requiring schools to relief when full tuition fees for all students won the national scholarship.


    February 24, 2005,The All-China Federation of Trade Unions awarded for the first time"The National May Heroine Award".ACFTU established"The National May Heroine Award"Awarded annually from this year onwards,Commended actively participate"Female workers make contributions to the project",Female worker collectives and individuals have made outstanding contributions in building a moderately prosperous society career.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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