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    April 12


    April 12, 1904,Beginning of the Battle of Gyantse in Tibet.The Gyantse Battle of the major battles of the Tibet People's Anti-British war.


    April 12, 1924,The famous Indian poet/Writer/Artists and social activists,Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore Peking University was invited to give lectures and visit China.After returning home,He actively planning the establishment of cultural exchanges between China and India relationship permanent, fixed institutions.1937,International University, he established a College.

    1927年4月12日,蒋介石利用上海帮会袭击工人纠察队队部,捕杀大批共产党员和工人、学生、群众,制造了震惊中外的 “四·一二”反革命政变。

    April 12, 1927,Chiang Kai-shek the Shanghai gang attacks on workers' pickets Team Ministry,The killing of a large number of party members and workers/Student/The masses,Manufacturing shocked the world "April 12"Counter-revolutionary coup.



Roosevelt profile photo.Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 12, 1945,Election since 1932 the famous American politician of the 4th U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died due to cerebral hemorrhage,At the age of 63.He directed the United States combat the Axis powers in World War II, the German, Italian and Japanese fascists.


    April 12, 1957,China Taoist Association was established in Beijing.



    The picture shows Gagarin spaceship before take-off by car to the spacecraft launch base.Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 12, 1961,The first human space travel.27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin ride"Vostok 1"Spaceship,Launched in Moscow time 9:07,At the scheduled time into space orbit,Return to the ground in the space around the Earth for a week after 108 minutes of flight,Completed the first human conquest of space feat.Since 1969,The people called on April 12 each year"World Aerospace Festival".


    April 12, 1981,The United States successfully launched the world's first space shuttle"Columbia"Number,After successively built"Challenger"Number/"Atlantis"Number/"Find"Number and"Endeavour"Space Shuttle.


    April 12, 1986,[Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprise Law of the People's Republic of China]Official purposes.


    31 new revised October 2000 and came into effect.


    这是新凤霞在电影《刘巧儿》中饰演巧儿(1954年摄)。 新华社发

    Xin Fengxia in the movie[Liu Qiaoer]Played by Koji(1954 photo). Xinhua News Agency issued

    1998年4月12日,评剧表演艺术家新凤霞在江苏省常州市逝世,享年71岁。新凤霞在评剧艺术中形成 “新派唱腔”,尤以流利的花腔──“疙瘩腔”著称。1997年她获第十六届“亚洲最杰出艺人奖”。

    April 12, 1998,Peking Opera performing artists Xin Fengxia died in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province,At the age of 71.Xin Fengxia formed in the art of Peking Opera "A new breed of singing",Especially fluent coloratura ─ ─"Pimple cavity"Known.In 1997, she won the sixteenth"Asia's Most Outstanding Artist Award".


    12 to 13 April 2002,First Annual Conference of the opening of the Boao Forum for Asia,Theme"New Century/New challenges/New Asia - Asia Economic Cooperation and Development",More than 1,900 delegates from 48 countries and regions attended the meeting.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)

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