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    April 14


    April 14, 1865,Two consecutive terms, the President of the United States and put forward the Abolition of Slavery Act of Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington, watching comedy[Our relatives in the U.S.]Time,Southern slave owners to send spies John Booth shooting head,The next morning the death of,The age of 56.


图为“泰坦尼克”号的资料照片。 新华社发 

The picture shows"Titanic"Number of photos. Xinhua News Agency issued 


    April 14, 1912,Large British luxury liner"Titanic"Number due to mistakenly hit the iceberg,Sank 150 kilometers from Newfoundland,1513 people were killed 2224 people on board.


    April 14, 1917,Founder of Esperanto/Bolanneike and chief ophthalmologist Dr. Zamenhof's death,At the age of 58.In 1887, he founded the Esperanto officially announced Esperanto program.


    April 14, 1918,Mao Zedong/Hesen/Shuheng et al Xinmin Society was founded in Changsha.Newman Society has trained a number of personnel for the Chinese communist movement.


    April 14, 1930,The famous Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide in Moscow,Only 37 years old.In 1924, he completed a mourning of up to 3000 lines of Lenin's poem[Lenin].



This is the profile photo of Comrade Liu Chih-tan.Xinhua News Agency issued 


    April 14, 1936,Proletarian revolutionaries/One of the founders of the Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base Liu Chih-tan led the Red Army's Anti-Japanese Onslaught Dongduhuanghe/Marched Hebei anti-Japanese front-line combat,By the Kuomintang reactionaries forces attacked in Zhongyang County, Shanxi,Unfortunate death battle,The age of 33.


    April 14, 1950,Leading organs of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy was established in Beijing,Xiao Jinguang appointed commander.One after another after the formation of the East China Sea Fleet/South China Sea Fleet and the North Sea Fleet.


    14 to 26 April 1981,Chinese athletes in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, at the 36th World Table Tennis Competition,To create a new record in the 55-year history of the World Table Tennis Championships - once won all seven official tournament champion.


    April 14, 1995,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Shanghai Airlines,China's first co-branded credit card - Peony Airlines co-branded cards issued in Shanghai.This marks the international co-branded cards began to enter the Chinese credit card market.


    April 14, 1998,Fifth/Sixth China Federation of Vice Chairman,Famous Chinese painter Yin Shoushi died in Beijing,At the age of 80.He specializes in traditional Chinese painting,Especially good at figures,Chinese painting works[Qu Yuan][The portrait of Mao Zedong][Blizzard][At the meeting of model workers]Wait.


    April 14, 2004,The opening of China's first large capacity Eurasian land optical cable network,This is after the submarine cable and satellite transmission of a terrestrial transmission channels.By China Unicom/Mongolia Railway/A total length of 7500 km of Russian Railway construction and maintenance of the Eurasian land optical cable network.

    2004年4月14日,温家宝总理主持召开国务院常务会议,对中石油川东钻探公司井喷特大事故、北京市密云县“2·5”特大伤亡事故和吉林省吉林市中百商厦 “2·15”特大火灾事故的有关责任人作出处理决定。

    April 14, 2004,Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting,PetroChina East Sichuan Drilling Company blowout serious accidents/Miyun County"2.5"King casualties and 100 commercial buildings in Jilin City, Jilin Province "2.15"Major fire accidents, the obligation to make a decision on how to deal with.


    April 14, 2006 -15,Cross-strait economic and trade forum held in Beijing,The continent announced a promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation/15 policies and measures to benefit the Taiwan compatriots..October 17,Cross-strait agricultural cooperation forum held in Boao,The mainland launched 20 policies and measures to expand and deepen cross-strait agricultural cooperation.Beginning in 2007,KMT and the CPC explicitly for this forum"Cross-strait trade and cultural forum".As of May 2011,Held 7 cross-strait trade and cultural forum.


    April 14, 2010,Yushu in Qinghai Province earthquake of magnitude 7.1 on the Richter,2698 people were killed,270 missing.The CPC Central Committee/State council/Under the leadership of the Central Military Commission,Concerted efforts of the whole army and people of all nationalities/Unity and struggle,A major victory to win relief struggle.


    April 14, 2010,The Iceland eyjafjallajokull a volcanic eruption,Volcanic ash released into the atmosphere at high altitude eastward and southward,In Norway/Poland/Germany/France/Belgium/Accumulation over the UK as well as Russia and other countries,Paralyzed air traffic in Europe,Spread to the global air transport.Within a week of the volcanic eruption,Cancel about 10 million flights in Europe,Economic losses amounting to billions of euros.The volcano eruption lasted about 40 days a serious impact on animal husbandry and tourism in Iceland.


    (Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)(Complete)

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