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历史上的今天  4月30日 Today in History  April 30


    April 30, 1777,Gauss was born.Gaussian German mathematician/Physicist/Astronomer,An artisan family was born in Brunswick.Archimedes/Newton tied for the world's greatest mathematician,Is one of the founders of modern mathematics.February 23, 1855,Gauss died in G?ttingen,At the age of 78.


    April 30, 1789,The famous American general/Held the inauguration of the first president of the politician George Washington U.S..Washington was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army,To win a decisive battle in the American War of Independence to the visionary.In 1792 he was re-elected President of the United States,Died on December 14, 1799,At the age of 67.


    April 30, 1904,Ren Bishi was born.Ren Bishi is great Marxist,Outstanding proletarian revolutionary/Politicians and organizations home,Hunan xiangyin people,Based on Mao Zedong as the core of the first generation of collective leadership of the Communist Party of China, a member of the,Early 1922 to join the Communist Party of China,Former Ministers of the Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League/Acting Secretary/General Secretary,Communist-fifth/Sixth as a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee,Councilor and Minister of Organization Department of the Central Bureau of the Central Soviet Area,Hunan-Jiangxi Provincial CPC secretary and political commissar of the Hunan-Jiangxi Military Region,Chairman of the Political Committee of the Red Sixth Corps,The center of the revolutionary base in Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou Branch secretary of the Red/Political commissar of the Sixth Corps,The Red Zhengwei,The Red Army Qiandi General Command political commissar,Director of the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army,Of the Seventh CPC Central Committee/A member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.October 27, 1950,Ren Bishi died in Beijing,When he was 46 years old.


   这是美国《生活》杂志1964年12月11日刊载的希特勒自杀后的场景。 新华社发

   This is America[Life]Magazine published in the December 11, 1964, Hitler committed suicide scene. Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 30, 1945,Soviet Red Army captured the Reichstag in Berlin,Nazi Germany launched World War II fascist dictator Adolf Hitler committed suicide in the bunker of the Prime Minister's Office.


    这是20世纪50年代初,北京市的基层干部在街头书写宣传婚姻法的黑板报。 新华社发

    This is the beginning of the 1950s,Beijing grassroots cadres in the streets blackboard writing publicity Marriage Law. Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 30, 1950,Central People's Government announced[Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China].This New China promulgated the first Marriage Law, effective from May 1, 1950.September 10, 1980,Fifth NPC Third Session of the adoption of new[Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China],New Marriage Law come into force as of January 1, 1981,.April 28, 2001 the Ninth National People's Congress Standing Committee adopted at the 21st meeting, on[Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China]Amendments,The revised Marriage Law shall enter into force on the same day.


    April 30, 1975,Vietnamese patriotic armed forces launched a reunification of the motherland Armageddon -"Ho Chi Minh Campaign"The final battle.Vietnam vanguard invaded the former Saigon regime"Presidential palace",Arrested the head of the puppet government,Force announced its unconditional surrender,The last group of Americans from"Embassy"The roof of the helicopter evacuation.This marks the 14 years of the end of the Vietnam War,21 years is divided North and South Vietnam to achieve reunification.


    April 30, 1983,China and the Kingdom of Lesotho(The original Ming Basu Tuo Lan)Establish diplomatic relations(April 7, 1990 suspension of diplomatic relations,Resumption of diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level on January 12, 1994).Lesotho is located in southeastern Africa,Maseru.

    1999年4月30日,中国昆明世界园艺博览会开幕。这是第一次由发展中国家主办的大型世界园艺博览会。博览会的主题是“人与自然——迈向21世纪”。 (新华社记者王沛、王茹)

    April 30, 1999,The opening of the China Kunming International Horticultural Exposition.This is the first International Horticultural Exposition hosted by developing countries.The theme of the Expo is"Between man and nature - the 21st century". (Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)

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