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历史上的今天  5月8日 Today in History  May 8


World Red Cross Day on May 8 annual.1948,Red Cross Society in the Executive Committee meeting held formal proposal,To the International Red Cross founder Henry Dunant's birthday on May 8 as the World Red Cross Day.Same year,Red Cross Society 20th Council meeting approved the proposal of the Board,Formally determine the annual World Red Cross Day on May 8.Red Cross Society of China was founded in 1904,Is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.


May 8, 1794,French chemist/The father of modern chemistry/Founder Lavoisier victims,Aged 51 years.


May 8, 1880,French 19th-century realism literary master Flaubert's death,The age of 59.Representative of a novel[Madame Bovary][The temptation of St. Anton][Emotional Education]Wait.


May 8, 1903,Half of the French Post-Impressionist famous painter in the 19th century, the Gorgon's death,The age of 55.The major works are[The four Brittany woman's dance][Yellow Christ][Tahiti woman on the beach]Wait.


这是苏军战士把红旗插上德国国会大厦的情景。 新华社发

Soviet soldiers to the scene of the red flag Reichstag Building. Xinhua News Agency issued


May 8, 1945 24,Representatives of the fascist German army high command signed the German unconditional surrender in Berlin,The end of World War II victory over fascism in Europe.



This is"Computer - laser character editing and typesetting system"Laser proofer device.Xinhua News Agency issued


May 8, 1985,China successfully developed for the first time"Computer - laser character editing and typesetting system"Through the national identification in Beijing.The successful development of this system is a major technological revolution of the history of the development of China Printing Technology,Marking the Chinese invented/Followed Millennium type layout into a new period of modern advanced technology instead of.


May 8, 1995,Ye Qianyu, great master of Chinese art, died in Beijing,At the age of 88.Ye Qianyu is to create one of the founders of this school of painting in Chinese cartoons and sketches of life,Representative of[Peaceful liberation of Peking][The great unity of the Chinese nation]And other large Chinese painting,Reflect the American way of life[Paradise in mind]Comic strip,[Miao girls][Summer][Plateau Spring]Such as Chinese painting.


    May 8, 2011,Comrade Li Desheng died of illness in Beijing,At the age of 96.Comrade Li Desheng February 1930 to participate in the work of the revolution,1955 was awarded the rank of major general,1988 was awarded the rank.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Wenrong/Su Xiaoping)

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