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历史上的今天  5月11日 Today in History  May 11


    May 11, 1905,Xian Xinghai birth.Xian Xinghai is a famous Chinese musician,Panyu in Guangdong province,Born in Macau.Their works[Yellow River Cantata][In the Taihang Mountains][Go to the enemy's rear]Other songs is still the people's favorite.Writings[On Chinese folk music form][Emerging folk music]Wait.Xian Xing Hai, died in Moscow on October 30, 1945,Only 40 years old.


    May 11, 1950,China established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Denmark.Denmark in Europe, Scandinavia, Scandinavian Peninsula south,Between the Baltic and the North Sea,Capital of Copenhagen.


    May 11, 1953,Islamic Association of China was established in Beijing,Bauer Han was elected as a director of China Islamic Association Committee.



    这是刊有《实践检验真理的唯一标准》文章的《光明日报》和修改过的清样(资料照片)。 新华社发

    Journal[Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth]Article[Guangming Daily]And modified to clear samples(Info). Xinhua News Agency issued


    May 11, 1978,[Guangming Daily]Contributing commentator[Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth].The article points out,Criterion for testing truth can only be social practice,The unity of theory and practice is one of the most basic principles of Marxism,Any theory must continue to accept the test of practice.This is a fundamental theory"Two Whatevers"The negation.


这是大会现场的资料照片。 新华社发

This is the scene of the General Assembly photos. Xinhua News Agency issued


    May 11, 1995,United Nations held[The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons]Review and Extension Conference,178 States Parties by consensus,The indefinite extension of the Treaty.[The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons]January 7, 1968 by the British/United States/The Soviet Union and 59 other countries in London/Washington and Moscow to conclude an international treaty signed,A total of 11.China decided to accede to the Treaty on December 29, 1991,March 9, 1992 to submit accession,At the same time into force in China.Since Germany/Italy/Japan and Sweden opposition,Treaty entered into force in 1970, when,Only 25-year period.25 years later whether to continue to extend the,How to prolong will have to be decided based on the views of the majority of Member States.


    May 11, 2000,World Intellectual Property Organization meeting in Geneva,After more than four years the process of preparing,[Patent Law Treaty]Passed at this meeting.104 countries, including China and three intergovernmental organizations signed the final documents,Confirm the new[Patent Law Treaty]Has been adopted.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Wenrong/Su Xiaoping)

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