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    June 15


    June 15, 1948,Chinese official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party - People's Daily,Born in Pingshan County, Hebei Province.North China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee at that time as the People's Daily, the official newspaper,Liberated by the Border Area Jinchaji Shanxi People's Daily and the former merger.March 1949,Daily moved to Peking(Today Beijing),In August the official newspaper of the CPC Central Committee to.

    1949年6月15日,中国人民革命军事委员会发布命令,公布中国人民解放军军旗和军徽式样,规定以 “八一”两字作为中国人民解放军军旗和军徽的主要标志。

    June 15, 1949,Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Commission issued an order,People's Liberation Army flag and emblem design announced,Provides for "Eighty-one"People's Liberation Army flag and emblem word as the main indicator of.


    June 15, 1964,The first session, held in Geneva United Nations Conference on Trade Development,77 countries and regions together,Published[Joint Declaration of 77],And thus form a group to participate in the negotiations of UNCTAD,Which is known as the Group of 77.


    June 15, 1971,Proletarian revolutionist/New China jurisprudence pilot/People's justice system, one of the founders died Xie Juezai,At the age of 87 years.Xie Juezai Hunan Ningxiang,1925 joined the Chinese Communist Party.Founding of new China Central People's Government, he served as Minister of the Interior/Supreme People's Court,Publication of[Xie Juezai selected essays][Xie Old Poems]Wait.


    June 15, 1978,Beijing Opera artist Ye Shenglan death,At age 64.Ye Shenglan Peking Opera in 1955 he was appointed Head of Mission,Repertoire[White gatehouse][Puyang war][Yuanmen shot halberd][Feihu Shan]Wait.Old age becomes a school,The development of Peking Opera performing arts contributed niche.


    June 15, 1983,The State Council issued[People's Republic of gold and silver Management Regulations].



This is the Longyang Gorge hydroelectric dam.Xinhua News Agency issued(Profile photo)


    June 15, 1989,Longyang Gorge power station/Power supply system be completed.The total installed capacity of 1.28 million kilowatts of Longyang Station in Qinghai is the country one of the key construction projects.


    June 15, 2001,Shanghai Cooperation Organization was founded in Shanghai.Member States Chinese/Russia/Kazakhstan/Kirghizstan/Tadjikistan/Uzbekistan.Its purpose is to strengthen mutual trust between Member States and good-neighborly and friendly;Developing member countries in the political/Trade/Science and Technology/Cultural/Education/Energy/Traffic/Environmental protection and other areas of effective cooperation;Maintenance of regional peace and security/Security and stability;Promote the establishment of democratic/Fair/Rational international political and economic order.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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