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    December 22


图为奥斯特洛夫斯基像。 新华社发

Pictured Ostrovsky like. Xinhua News Agency issued


December 22, 1936,The death of the famous Soviet writer Ostrovsky,Age 32.Revolution heroic deeds to struggle and tenacious struggle with illness inspired generation after generation.He wrote a novel[How to Make Steel],Shape book hero Pavel Korchagin is one of the heroic image of the Soviet literary excellence,To countless desperate people renewed hope for life.To commemorate his,In 1940, the Soviet government Ostrovsky in Moscow House designated a National Museum.


December 22, 1972,The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and New Zealand.New Zealand is located in the southwest Pacific,Capital Wellington.




    December 22, 1983,First second operation of more than one hundred million times"Galaxy"Supercomputers,Successfully developed by the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Defense Technology Changsha.Xinhua News Agency issued(Profile photo)  


December 22, 1983,First second operation of more than one hundred million times"Galaxy"Supercomputers,Successfully developed by the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Defense Technology Changsha.It fills the blank of domestic supercomputers,Marks China's entry into the ranks of the world's developed supercomputer.November 17, 2010,National Defense Science and independent research and development of China's first petaflop computer"Milky Way One"2566000000000000 times per second sustained speed,Boarded the world Supercomputing,"Everest",Become the world's fastest supercomputer.This speed is before"World record holder"- United States"Jaguars"1.45 times.


December 22, 1983,The establishment of the China Wildlife Conservation Association in Beijing.


December 22, 2001,Afghanistan's interim government headed by Hamid Karzai began to exercise the functions of the management of state.


December 22, 2005,Chinese Government issued[China's road of peaceful development]White paper,That China will unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development,Efforts to achieve peaceful development/The development of an open/The development of cooperation/Harmonious development.This is the Chinese government for the first time a comprehensive and systematic exposition of the inevitability of China to take the road of peaceful development and firm determination,The strategic approach taken to achieve this goal and policy measures.


December 22, 2007,The first column of the localization of 300 kilometers per hour"Harmony"EMU trains in CSR Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. completed offline.The its successful downline marks the technical level of the Chinese railway passenger equipment has reached the world advanced level,China has thus become the day/Law/Germany after fourth at 300 kilometers per hour can be independently developed EMU countries.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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