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历史上的今天  2月9日 Today in History  February 9



Fyodor Dostoevsky like.Xinhua News Agency issued


    February 9, 1881,The death of the famous Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky,He was 60 years old.His debut - novella[Poor],Known as the first Russian Social novel.After successively published novel[Bullying and insults][Crime and Punishment][Idiot][Demons][The Brothers Karamazov]Wait.


    February 9, 1928,Chinese revolutionary activist/The revolutionary pioneers Xia Han in Hankou killed by the Kuomintang reactionaries,The age of 28.He wrote before execution"Beheading does not matter,As long as the doctrine true.Kill Xia Han,And later people"Heroic Psalms.


    这是1949年9月,张澜作为民主同盟首席代表出席中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议。 新华社发

    September 1949,Zhang Lan as the Democratic League chief representative to attend the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Xinhua News Agency issued


    February 9, 1955,Former Vice-Chairman of the Central People's Government/, Chairman of the China Democratic League/The first session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, vice chairman/Second Zhang Lan, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, died in Beijing,Age of 83.


    February 9, 1956,The Jiusan Society of the First National Congress members was held in Beijing.The Jiusan Society is a democratic parties of the patriotic united front of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),Was formally established on May 4, 1948.According to the Jiu San Society Prospectus,Its members are mainly by the science and technology community/Senior and leading intellectuals.


    February 9, 1956,China Democratic League, the second National People's Congress held in Beijing.After the founding of New China, the China Democratic League convened the first National People's Congress.China Democratic League, is a democratic parties of the patriotic united front of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),Its predecessor was"China Democratic Political League",Established in Chongqing in 1941.China Democratic League, is engaged in the political alliance of socialist laborers and patriots who support socialism based cultural and educational aspects of the work of intellectuals.


    February 9, 1998,China's first"Pair"Selection announced.Sponsored by the Chinese Writers' Association of Lu Xun(News cups of assets)1995 -1996 individual outstanding works selected.

    2002年2月9日,印度航天科学家对印度自行开发的火箭用超低温发动机进行了一次“全面试验”并取得成功。 (新华社记者李晓建)

    February 9, 2002,Indian space scientists on India's indigenously developed rocket with ultra-low temperature engine"Comprehensive test"And success. (Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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