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    February 17


    February 17, 1600,16th century, the famous Italian philosopher/Mathematicians/Astronomer Bruno ordered by Pope Clement VIII imposed stubborn heretics burned at the stake died,Only 52-year-old.Bruno advocated infinite universe with a variety of world theory,Abandon the traditional geocentric theory,And beyond the sun was at the center of the doctrine of Copernicus.He also proposed that the universe is infinite,Is composed by numerous world like the solar system are included as.As a philosopher,Bruno's theories have influenced the science and philosophy of the 17th century,To become one of the important figures in the history of Western culture,The pioneers of modern culture.


    图为摄于1959年5月13日的莫里哀喜剧《悭吝人》主要人物阿巴公(董行佶饰)的剧照。 新华社发 

    Pictured taken in the Moliere comedy on May 13, 1959[Miserly person]The main characters Abba public(Dongxingjishi)The stills. Xinhua News Agency issued 


    February 17, 1673,17th-century France's greatest playwright Moliere's death,Only 41-year-old.Moliere childhood favorite comedy,Rely on acting for a living,The creation and performance of[Hypocrite][Miser][Cynical][Disease did not find disease]And so nearly 40 Comedy.He was Voltaire known as"Depicting the French painter".



Heine like.Xinhua News Agency issued


    February 17, 1856,The famous German poet/Politicians Heine's death,Age of 59.Heine published in 1827[A collection of poetry],Works with romanticism and folk flavor,Establish its position in the German literary world.He acquainted with Marx in 1843,The following year to write the masterpiece long poem[Germany - a winter fairy tale],Other writings there[On the history of religion and philosophy in Germany][On the romantic]Wait.

    1972年2月17日,英国议会通过加入欧洲经济共同体的法案。 1977年2月17日,中国与利比里亚共和国建交(1989年10月10日中止外交关系,1993年8月10日恢复大使级外交关系,1997年9月9日中止外交关系,2003年10月11日恢复大使级外交关系)。利比里亚位于非洲西部,首都蒙罗维亚。

    February 17, 1972,The British Parliament passed a bill to join the European Economic Community.February 17, 1977,Republic of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Liberia(Suspend diplomatic relations on October 10, 1989,Restore diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level on August 10, 1993,Suspend diplomatic relations on September 9, 1997,October 11, 2003 to restore diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level).Located in West Africa in Liberia,Capital, Monrovia.


    February 17, 2000,Information Office of the State Council[50 years of the development of China's human rights]The White Paper,50 years of the development of human rights situation in China to conduct a comprehensive review and outlook.The white paper of approximately 15,000 words,Is divided into six parts:A/Historic turning point in China's human rights development;Two/The right to life/The right to development and economic/Community/A huge improvement in cultural rights;Three/Civil and political rights are effectively protected;Four/Woman/The protection of children's rights;Five/Equal rights and special protection of minorities;Six/Cross-century development prospects of China's human rights.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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