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    March 16


March 16, 1926,United States of America , a pioneer in the development of the rocket/The world's first successful launch of a liquid fuel booster rocket scientist Robert Goddard in the United States.



Chen Geng comrades profile photo.Xinhua News Agency issued


March 16, 1961,Proletarian revolutionaries/The strategist ChenGeng died in Shanghai,Age of 58.Chen Geng Hunan Xiangxiang,1922 joined the Chinese Communist Party,Whampoa Military Academy graduation,Participated in the Nanchang Uprising,Renying Chang,And went to Shanghai to do intelligence work in the CPC Central Committee,Former second division commander of the Red Army Fourth Army,Red Army infantry school principals,The first division of the Red Army,Eighth Route Army in the 129th Division the three hundred eighty-six brigade,The Taiyue Military Region Taiyueh Column commander,Commander and political commissar of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Fourth Corps,Southwest Military Region deputy commander of the Yunnan Military District Commander,Chairman of the Yunnan provincial government,Commander and political commissar of the Third Corps of the Chinese People's Volunteers,Deputy commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers,The Dean political commissar of the PLA Military Engineering Institute,Deputy director , deputy chief of the general staff of the People 's Liberation Army and the National Defense Science and Technology Commission,Deputy Secretary of Defense,Was awarded the rank of general in 1955.


March 16, 1965,United States"Gemini"The spacecraft with earlier launch"Argentina is satisfied"No. aircraft are connected to each other in space,The first time a human spacecraft in orbit in outer space docking.



October 23, 2008,Visitors tour in Yunnan Stone Forest Scenic Spot.Xinhua News Agency issued


March 16, 2001,Ministry of Land and Resources Stone Forest in Yunnan/Hunan Zhangjiajie , 11 , the first batch of national geological park listing ceremony was held.After,The Ministry of Land and Resources and granted to Huangshan in Anhui/Hukou/Hailuogou/The Henan Wangwushan more than 100 units"National Geological Park"Title.Up to 2007,Ministry of Land and Resources announced,China, as one of the earliest advocates Geopark,Now established 138 national geological park,Which Lushan Geopark/Huangshan Geopark Yuntaishan 18 is listed by UNESCO as a World Geopark List,Is the world has the the World Geopark most countries.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)

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