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    April 11


    April 11 is World Parkinson's Disease Day.Since 1997,The annual April 11 was identified as"World Parkinson's Disease Day".This day is the discoverer of Parkinson's disease - British physician Dr. James Parkinson's birthday.April 11, 1997,European Parkinson's Disease Association announced its program and announced the rights of patients with Parkinson's disease,The World Health Organization(WHO)Support.


    April 11, 1912,Chinese Buddhist Association was established in Shanghai.


    April 11, 1945,American troops liberated Hitler's Nazi forces seize power in Germany after the establishment of the earliest and most notorious cloth marks Wald concentration camp.After the start of World War II Nazi prisoners of war and Jews into this camp.From 1937 to the end of World War II,50 countries had more than 25 million people has been held here,Of which 5.6 million people died of this.


    这是任弼时同志代表中共中央在中国新民主主义青年团第一次全国代表大会上作政治报告。 新华社

    This is Comrade Ren Bishi on behalf of the CPC Central Committee Political Report New Democratic Youth League of China, the first National People's Congress. Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 11, 1949,New Democratic Youth League of China, the first National People's Congress held in Peking.Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee the Ren Bishi on behalf of the CPC Central Committee made a report at the meeting.On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the People's Liberation Army Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief Zhu De caused a congratulatory message to the General Assembly,Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an inscription for the General Assembly,And met with delegates.


    April 11, 1970,The United States launched containing astronauts Lovell/Hayes and Swaziland Stuttgart"Apollo"13 spacecraft 3rd flight to the moon.Flight 56 ??hours,Service module oxygen storage tank explosion,Facing the three astronauts died in the disaster in space.But they face the music,The ground scientists to accurately calculate the orbit and ground commanders command,Manually operated spacecraft,The use of oxygen and power of the lunar module,Successful return on April 17,To create a space in the history of a miracle survived.


    在这张拍摄于海湾战争期间的照片中,美国“密苏里号”战列舰正向科威特境内的伊军阵地发射重型炮弹。 新华社发

    In this photo taken in the Gulf War,United States"Missouri"Battleship Forward Kuwait, the Iraqi army positions fired heavy artillery shells. Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 11, 1991,Entry into force of the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution on the permanent cease-fire of the Gulf War,The formal end of the Gulf War.July 1990,Due to the oil policy/Territorial disputes/Debt and other issues,Suddenly into the open dispute between Iraq and Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.Then Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait,And Kuwait under its 19 provinces.January 17, 1991,The US-led multinational force in Iraq launched code-named"Desert Storm"Large-scale air strikes,Gulf War erupted.


    April 11, 1997,British Hong Kong/Asia last naval base - Stonecutters Island, Hong Kong, Tamar naval base was officially closed.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)



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