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历史上的今天  4月18日 Today in History  April 18



The picture shows Einstein photo.Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 18, 1955,Theoretical physicist/Relativistic founder of the death of Albert Einstein,At the age of 76.1915,Final Appeal issued on publication of Einstein's general theory of relativity,Following the special theory of relativity,A major achievement of modern science.1921,Einstein papers published its 1905"Photoelectric effect",Special theory of relativity and won the Nobel Prize in Physics.His theory of relativity is one of the most important scientific works.


    18 to 24 April 1955,29 Asian and African countries and regional government delegation held a meeting in Bandung, Indonesia,Also known as the Bandung Conference.This is the Asian and African countries for the first time in the case of the participation of Western colonial countries themselves convene a meeting.The meeting discussed issues of common interest of the international situation and the people of Asian and African countries.The communiqué of the meeting also proposed consistent with the spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence/The ten principles of international relations to promote world peace and cooperation.Premier Zhou Enlai led the Chinese delegation to attend the meeting.


    April 18, 1980,China established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe is located in southeastern Africa,Landlocked,Capital, Harare.


    April 18, 1989,China established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Bahrain.Bahrain is located in the Persian Gulf between Asian Qatar and Saudi Arabia,,Capital Manama.


    April 18, 1990,Chinese Premier Li Peng on behalf of the CPC Central Committee in Shanghai/The State Council officially announced,The central authorities have decided to agree to accelerate the development of Pudong area in Shanghai,The implementation of economic and technological development zones and special economic zones policy in Pudong.Pudong Huangpu River east/Southwest of the Yangtze River Estuary/Chuan Yang River north of a triangular region close to the Bund, Shanghai,An area of ??about 350 square kilometers.


    April 18, 1998,Chinese scientists confirmed,The world's first Grand Canyon Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is the deepest canyon in the world.



    April 18, 2004,One issued by express train from Guangzhou East Railway Station is traveling in the urban area of ??Guangzhou.Xinhua News Agency issued


    At 0:00 on April 18, 2004,China Railway began the fifth large-scale speed.


    At 0:00 on April 18, 2007,China Railway sixth large-scale speed full implementation,The national railway 599 across Railway Bureau passenger trains run in accordance with the new run chart,Train operation diagram to achieve a historic alternately,Chinese railway development has entered a new historical stage.


    April 18, 2007,China Railway Sixth Speed,Up to 200 kilometers per hour domestic high-speed EMU"Harmony"Available,An important milestone for China's railway equipment manufacturing industry among the world-class level.


    April 18, 2008,Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway line started.Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway from Beijing South Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Station,New double track railway length of 1318 km,Through Beijing/Tianjin/Hebei/Shandong/Anhui/Jiangsu Province/7 provinces and cities in Shanghai,Connect the two major economic zones of the Bohai Rim and the Yangtze River Delta.The design speed of 350 km,A total investment of 220.9 billion yuan,Total duration of about 5 years.The project is completed,Only need five hours from Beijing to Shanghai.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)

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