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历史上的今天  6月17日 Today in History  June 17


    一名当地居民在阿尔及利亚中部阿德拉尔省的提米蒙沿着棕榈篱墙行走(2012年4月5日摄)。 新华社发(卡德里摄)

    A local resident in central Algeria Adrar Province Timimoun walking along palm fences(April 5, 2012 photo). Xinhua News Agency issued(Kadri photo)


    June 17 is World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.November 29, 1994,United Nations General Assembly Second Committee(Economic and financial)By a resolution,Recommended since 1995 each year on June 17 as"World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought".In the same year in December,The 49th United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the resolution.Its aim is to further improve the peoples of the world recognize the importance of combating desertification,Evoke good job in combating desertification responsibility and urgency.


    June 17, 1911,To resist the Qing government was set to sell shares of Yuehan Singgong/Han River Railway right,Han River Railway shareholder representatives met in Chengdu,Paul comrades founded Sichuan.


    这是“赤石暴动”发生地——福建省崇安县赤石乡渡口的资料照片。 新华社发

    This is"Akaishi riots"Occurred - Fujian Sung County Akaishi Township ferry profile photo. Xinhua News Agency issued


    June 17, 1942,New Fourth Army Incident in the captured soldiers, and a hundred people passing through the town of Fujian Sung Akaishi riots,After fierce fighting,Most heroic sacrifice,Known"Akaishi riots".


    June 17, 1962,Closure of the seventh World Cup in Chile.There are 16 countries and regions participated in the team since May 30 finals start.Brazil in the finals held in Santiago, Chile in the final 3:A victory over the group stage was 0:0 draw with Czechoslovakia team,Became the first team that won the World Cup.


    June 17, 1967,China succeeded in the western region over the exploded its first hydrogen bomb.China successfully detonated the hydrogen bomb development of nuclear weapons is another leap.


    June 17, 1972,The United States"Watergate".August 1974,In February 1972 was the first visit to China,Be the first one to visit China because of U.S. President Richard Nixon"Watergate"Was forced to resign as president,Is the first U.S. president to resign.


    1994 年 17 June to 17 July,Fifteenth World Cup held in the U.S..There are 24 countries and regions participated in the team finals.Brazil soccer team again after a lapse of 24 years won the World Cup,And become the first team won the cup 4 times.FIFA to encourage offensive,In this competition for the first time adopted a win 3 points rule,And the offside rule changes for the benefit of the offensive,Advocate attacking football.


    June 17, 1998,The State Council issued[About the fifth national census notice].The fifth national census(November 1, 2000),The country's total population of 129,533 people.Where the mainland's 31 provinces/Autonomous region/Municipalities(Does not include Fujian Kinmen/Matsu and other islands)And a population of 126,583 people servicemen.Population of 678 million Hong Kong SAR.MSAR population of 44 million people.Taiwan Province and Fujian Kinmen/Matsu islands population of 2228 people.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Su Xiaoping/Yangwen Rong)

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