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    October 12


October 12 of each year as World Arthritis Day.Arthritis is the world's number one disabling disease,Types of more than one hundred kinds of.Aroused concern arthritis,World Health Organization is scheduled for the annual World Arthritis Day on October 12.


October 12, 1885,Taiwan officially completed provinces.Patriotic generals Liu Ming-chuan became the first governor of Taiwan.


October 12, 1937,Agreement between the KMT and the CPC,14 districts of eight provinces in the south of the Red Army and the Red Army guerrillas,Adapted for the New Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army(Referred to as the New Fourth Army).CPC Central Committee and the appointment of Ye Ting as commander,Xiang Ying, deputy commander,Zhang Yunyi as chief of staff.


October 12, 1952,War hero Qiu Shaoyun sacrifice in the Korean,When he was 26 years old.Qiu Shaoyun original Sichuan Province(This Chongqing)Tongliang County.December 1949 to participate in the Chinese People's Liberation Army.March 1951 to participate in the Chinese People's Volunteers entering the Korean combat.October 12, 1952,His unit was ordered to attack and occupy the 391 U.S. military outposts,Lurking when he launched the U.S. military reconnaissance incendiary burning.He tolerate the pain,No one has fixed,Until martyred.After the war,Of the unit where the party committee ratified him as a member of the Chinese Communist Party,And posthumously awarded him"Exemplary youth members"Title.Chinese People's Volunteers the headquarters he WORM Principal power,Posthumously he"A hero"Title.Posthumously awarded him the Permanent Commission of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly"Democratic People's Republic of Korea hero"Title and Venus Medal/A flag Medal.


October 12, 1985,International Mountaineering Federation formally accepted by the Chinese Mountaineering Association Member,And have the right to vote.


October 12, 1986,Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were invited to visit China.This is the first state visit of the British head of state in the history of China.


October 12, 1998,On in the 33rd Olympic Chess Team 俄罗斯埃里斯塔 held,Chinese women's team won the championship,Get named after the name of the first Women's World Chess Championship"The international Vera Ming Qike liquidity trophy".This is the first Chinese women's team won the team title in the World Chess Competition.



    This is at 0:02 on October 12 1999,United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan(Right)Made a special trip to a hospital in Sarajevo,Visit baby boy of the first six billion inhabitants of the global village.Xinhua News Agency issued


October 12, 1999,United Nations, according to the development trend of the world's population,October 12, 1999 world"6000000000 Population Day".


October 12, 2003,The formal operation of China's first fast passenger line - QINSHEN.Passenger Line from Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, to Shenyang City, Liaoning Province,Line length of 404 km,A total investment of 15.7 billion yuan,Started construction in August 1999.



    October 12, 2005,9 am (Beijing time),China has independently developed the Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft,Two Chinese astronauts into space at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.Xinhua News Agency issued


October 12, 2005,9 am (Beijing time),China has independently developed the Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft,Two Chinese astronauts into space at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.The early morning of October 17,Return capsule of the Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft landing in Inner Mongolia safety.China successfully conducted the first people many days of manned space flight.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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