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    December 20


December 20, 1958,Democratic People's Republic of China and Algeria established diplomatic relations.Algeria is located northwest Africa,The capital, Algiers.


December 20, 1968,The famous American novelist/Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962 , Steinbeck 's death,Aged 67 years.Novel[The Grapes of Wrath]His masterpiece.


December 20, 1982,American Piano Masters Rubinstein 's death,At age 95.He was born in Lodz in 1887(Time that Russia,Now part of Poland),For the American Jewish descendants,In the tour around the world,Won praise.He since the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century,Until 1976 due to diseases of the eye in London farewell performances so far,Play 100 games a year on average.


December 20, 1986,The death of Chinese famous esthetician Zong Baihua,The age of 90.Zong Baihua Changshu, Jiangsu,Aesthetic devoted his life to teaching and research,Aesthetic treatise:[The birth of the Chinese artistic conception][Preliminary exploration of important issues in the history of Chinese aesthetics][Kant's aesthetics Comment]Wait.


    这是1999年12月20日零时,中华人民共和国国旗和中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区区旗在澳门文化中心花园馆升起。 新华社发

    It is 0:00 am on December 20 , 1999,Regional Flag of the national flag of the People 's Republic of China and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People 's Republic of China is rising at the Macau Cultural Centre Garden Pavilion. Xinhua News Agency issued


0:00 am on December 20 , 1999,China and Portugal government handover ceremony held at the Macau Cultural Centre,President Jiang Zemin declared:The Chinese government resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Macao,Macao's return to the motherland.After the handover ceremony,Held a swearing-in ceremony of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People 's Republic of China cum SAR Government.


December 20, 1999,[The Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People 's Republic of China]Official purposes.


December 20, 1999,[Garrison Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People 's Republic of China]Official purposes.


    2006年12月20日,中国著名相声艺术大师、中国广播艺术团说唱团艺术指导、国家一级演员马季因突发心脏病抢救无效在北京逝世,享年72岁。 新华社发(资料照片)

    December 20, 2006,Chinese famous comic artist/Artistic director of the China Broadcasting Art Troupe rap group/National Class One Performer Season rescue invalid due to sudden cardiac death in Beijing,At the age of 72 years. Xinhua News Agency issued(Profile photo)


December 20, 2006,Chinese famous comic artist/Artistic director of the China Broadcasting Art Troupe rap group/National Class One Performer Season rescue invalid due to sudden cardiac death in Beijing,At the age of 72 years.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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