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    January 3



     It is located in Shaoyang, Hunan Wei Yuan bronze statue(Profile photo).Xinhua News Agency issued


January 3, 1843,Famous thinkers of the Qing Dynasty in China/Historian/Writer Wei Yuan Lin Zexu chaired translation[Four Seas Journals]Editor[Haiguo]Block printed publication.This figure-chih, set up factories in shipbuilding,Strengthen coastal defense,To resist aggression.


January 3, 1868,Japanese Emperor Meiji promulgated"Restoration"Edict,Announced the cancellation of the shogunate system,Restore the emperor ruling power,In the political/Economic and social aspects of the implementation of major reforms,Promotion of Japan's modernization and westernization.1871 Waste Phan home county,Destroyed all feudal regime.The same year established a new standing army.Implementation of the national conscripts system and the reform of the agricultural tax in 1873.In addition, unified the currency.Reform to consolidate the government's fiscal foundation,Accelerate the primitive accumulation of capital,Promote the development of urban and rural capitalism in Japan,This is the history of Japan's Meiji Restoration.The Meiji Restoration in Japan from a feudal society into a capitalist society the famous political reform movement.


图为哈谢克纪念馆内珍藏的有关哈谢克的图片和实物。 新华社发

Pictured Hasek memorial collection Ha Xieke pictures and objects. Xinhua News Agency issued


January 3, 1923,Czech writer/One of the most outstanding satire[Haobingshuaike]Author of Hasek's death,Aged 40 years old.Hasek has participated in the First World War, the Bolshevik,Created[Haobingshuaike happened in World War I]Volume 4.


January 3, 1933,The Japanese Division VIII Suzuki brigade in aircraft/Tank/The gunboat fit under the onslaught and occupation of China Shanhaiguan,Defenders helpless in Shanhaiguan,Ninth Brigade of the KMT army Charles Ho led his troops fought valiantly,An Dexin his troops battalion of more than 300 officers and men of heroic martyred.


January 3, 1961,United States broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba.


January 3, 1992,China established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan.Kazakhstan located in Central Asia,Astana, the capital.


January 3, 2001,Tianshengqiao a/The success of the last two units of the two hydropower grid,Marks two large hydropower All 10 units put into operation.Tianshengqiao a/II hydropower station is located in Anlong County, Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Longlin Autonomous County at the junction of the Red River,Is a national key project,Known as China"West to East"The first stop.The total installed capacity of 2.52 million kilowatts,The annual generation capacity of 13.4 billion kwh.Two hydropower plants in a total investment of over 200 billion.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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