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    January 4



    January 4, 1960,Famous French novelist/Playwright/Ethical home and political theorist Camus was killed in a car accident,As young as 47 years old.He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957.Major works novella[Outsider][Fallen],Collection of essays[Positive and negative][Wedding],Philosophy Essay[Resistance],Theater of the absurd[Misunderstanding][Caligula]Wait.This is the 1957 Albert Camus(Right)Photo with several Nobel laureates.Xinhua News Agency issued


January 4, 1960,Famous French novelist/Playwright/Ethical home and political theorist Camus was killed in a car accident,As young as 47 years old.He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957.Major works novella[Outsider][Fallen],Collection of essays[Positive and negative][Wedding],Philosophy Essay[Resistance],Theater of the absurd[Misunderstanding][Caligula]Wait.


January 4, 1965,Famous English poet/Playwright/Literary critic Elliot 's death,At age 77.He published its long poem during the Second World War[Four Quartets]Was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948.His works are poetry[Wilderness]Wait.

  1965年1月4日,第三届全国人大第一次会议在北京闭幕。周恩来总理在大会上所作的《政府工作报告》中第一次提出四个现代化。周恩来在报告中号召全国人民 “在不很长的历史时期内,把中国建设成为一个具有现代农业、现代工业、现代国防和现代科学技术的社会主义强国。”

January 4, 1965,The closing of the Third National People's Congress meeting in Beijing.Premier Zhou Enlai made ??in the General Assembly[Report on the Work of the Government]In the first four modernizations.Zhou Enlai in the report called on the National People's "Not very long historical period,To build China into a modern agriculture/Modern industrial/Modern defense and powerful socialist state of modern science and technology."



    January 4, 1981,First dam on the Yangtze River , China - the victory of the Gezhouba Water Control Project damming the river works closure.This is the evening of January 4, 1981,Damming the river Longkou fighting carried.Xinhua News Agency issued


January 4, 1981,First dam on the Yangtze River , China - the victory of the Gezhouba Water Control Project damming the river works closure.


January 4, 1992,China established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Tajikistan.Tajikistan located in Central Asia,Dushanbe, the capital.


January 4, 1992,The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Ukraine.Ukraine located in central Europe,South of the Sea of ??Azov and the Black Sea,Capital Kiev.


January 4, 1999,Chongqing Qijiang County a pedestrian bridge suddenly collapsed overall,Dozens bridge crashed into the Qi River,Resulting in a serious injury or even death.This time due to the quality of the project led to major accidents,Total of 40 people were killed.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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