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历史上的今天  1月13日 Today in History  January 13


    January 13, 1906,Russian physicist/Popov's death, the inventor of the radio,As young as 47 years old.1895 radio receiving apparatus of the invention, the electromagnetic waves emitted from the huge EDM forming a lightning.This lightning detector earlier than Marconi, Italian physicist and radio transceiver signal patented in June 1896 reported that confidential.


这是该片的剧照。 新华社发

This is the film's stills. Xinhua News Agency issued


    January 13, 1937,The world's first color cartoon[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs]Come out.


    January 13, 1959,The predecessor of the International Maritime Organization Intergovernmental Maritime Organization was formally established in London.This organization is based on March 6, 1948 at the meeting of the United Nations maritime/Came into effect on March 17, 1958[Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization Convention]Established,May 22, 1982, changed its name to the International Maritime Organization.China joined the organization in 1973.,Repeatedly elected as a Class A member from the beginning of the 16th General Assembly in 1989.


    January 13, 1975,The opening of the first meeting of the Fourth National People's Congress in Beijing.Premier Zhou Enlai ill, delivered[Report on the Work of the Government],Reiterated the two-step vision of the development of the national economy.Meeting appointed Zhou Enlai Premier/Deng Xiaoping as the Vice Premier of the State Council is composed of,Crushed"Gang of Four"The cabinet conspiracy.



The picture shows the 1978 the the elderly Jiang Jiangyuan expedition members expedition(Profile photo).Xinhua News Agency issued


    January 13, 1978,Confirmed by the Yangtze River Basin Planning Office:The Yangtze source of outside of the Bayan Har Mountains foothill,And in the the Tanggula the main peak Guerra Dandong snow-capped mountains, southwest Tuotuohe,Yangtze River is 6,300 km,Rather than 5800 km.


    January 13, 1993,Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen on behalf of the Chinese government, signed in Paris[Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons],Ministers or representatives of the rest of the world more than 100 countries were also in[Convention]Signed the.[Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons]Full name[Convention on the Prohibition of the Development/Produce/Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their destruction Convention],It is the world's first complete prohibition and thorough destruction of a weapons of mass destruction Convention.


    January 13, 2004,Premier Wen Jiabao signed a State Council Order No. 397,Promulgated[Safe production license regulations].(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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