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历史上的今天  2月22日 Today in History  February 22


    February 22, 1875,Britain's outstanding geologist/The modern geological Father Ryle's death,Age of 78 years.His greatest contribution is to uphold and prove to all the features of the Earth's surface by imperceptible/Formed by the natural processes of the role longer.He also proved that,Crustal rocks record hundreds of millions of years of history,Can be objectively explain.These achievements have laid a foundation for biological evolution and understanding of the Earth.His masterpiece is[Principles of Geology][Essential Geology].In 1859, Darwin published[Origin of Species]A large number of references[Principles of Geology].


    February 22, 1964,China and the Republic of Congo(1968 was renamed the People's Republic of the Congo/1991 to now known)Establish diplomatic relations.The Republic of Congo is located in the central and western Africa,Across the equator,Capital Brazzaville.


    February 22, 1983,The famous Chinese Marxist economist Sun Yefang died in Beijing,The age of 75.Sun Yefang major works:[Some theoretical problems of the socialist economy][The socialist certain theoretical issues][Sun Yefang anthology][Some theoretical issues of the nature of Chinese society].


    这是侯喜瑞(右)在绘窦尔墩脸谱的资料照片。左为著名京剧表演艺术家裘盛戎。 新华社发(资料照片)

    This is Hou Xirui(Right)In painted sinus Seoul Tun Facebook profile photo.Left for the famous opera artist Qiu Shengrong. Xinhua News Agency issued(Profile photo)


    February 22, 1983,China's famous Peking Opera artist/Hou sent Erhualian founder Houxi Rui died in Beijing,Age of 92.Hou Xirui,Hebei Hengshui.The childhood into hi together into Coban,Learn Clapper older students.After learning the opera clown and shelves painted face.Departmental rotation after,Take classes show.After the founding of New China in the Beijing Opera School/Chinese opera schools.Becomes a school of art.Trespassing repertory[War Wancheng][Woes][Take Luoyang][Walled breeze]Wait.Forward to[Study drama and acting].


    这是1987年2月25日,100多万菲律宾民众在马尼拉游行集会,庆祝“二月革命”一周年。 新华社发

    February 25, 1987,Processions and assemblies of more than 100 million people in the Philippines in Manila,Celebrate"February Revolution"First anniversary. Xinhua News Agency issued


    February 22, 1986,February Revolution broke out in the Philippines,To overthrow the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos in power as long as 20 years,Marcos in exile in Hawaii in the United States.


    February 22, 1990,The approval of the State Council,The establishment of the Coordinating Committee of Women and Children under the State Council working in Beijing.


    February 22, 1991,The State Administration of Cultural Heritage announced,[People's Republic of China to archaeological foreign work management approach]Has been approved by the State Council promulgated for implementation.This marks the archaeological work was formally opened.


    February 22, 1993,[National Security Law of the People's Republic of China]Official purposes.


    February 22, 1993,Chinese poet/Educator/German literature expert/Translators/Feng Zhi's death, the Chinese Academy of Sciences,The age of 88.Feng Zhi forward to poetry[Yesterday Song][The 14 rowset][Decades of Poetry comes][Feng Zhi Selected Poems],Historical Fiction[Wuzisu],Biography[Du Fu Chuan],Has translated[Heine Poems][Germany,A winter fairy tale]Wait.


    February 22, 2008,The total length of 9,102 km West-East Gas Pipeline Project in Xinjiang/Gansu Province/Ningxia and Shaanxi started construction at the same time.The project west Horgos Port in Xinjiang,South to Guangzhou,East of Shanghai,Via Xinjiang/Gansu Province/Ningxia/Shanxi Province/Henan/Hubei/Jiangxi Province/Hunan/Guangdong/Guangxi/Zhejiang/Shanghai/Jiangsu Province/Anhui and other 14 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities,The designed annual gas transmission capacity of 30 billion cubic meters,The total investment of about 142 billion yuan,Is China's first large-scale introduction of offshore natural gas pipeline project.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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