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历史上的今天  5月30日 Today in History  May 30



Xinhua News Agency issued


    May 30, 1778,One of France's greatest writers/Philosopher Voltaire's death,At the age of 84 years.His work reflects the characteristics of the French national character - critical spirit/Playful wit and ridicule ridicule.His major works include:Tragedy[Oedipus the king][Al Ji Le],Epic[Henri de],Monograph[Social Customs][Philosophy and Letters][Dictionary of Philosophy][Philosophy of History]Wait.


    May 30, 1841,British troops looted the outskirts of Guangzhou,Sanyuanli People's heroic fight against the British invaders,Known"Sanyuanli Anti-British".


    May 30, 1918,The death of the founder of Plekhanov Russian Marxism,At age 62.The last 20 years of his life to devote himself to philosophy/Literature/Art/A Study of History,And made important contributions to.



Pictured"Divergence"Movement broke out parade of Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions(Profile photo).


    May 30, 1925,Be"Divergence"Anti-imperialist Movement Day."Divergence"Movement under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party,Chinese people as the main workers in Shanghai launched the revolutionary movement against imperialism."Divergence"Movement marks the first time Chinese Revolution climax.Occurred in Guangzhou and Hong Kong Hong Kong general strike is"Divergence"Important part of the movement,Also the Chinese workers' movement feat unprecedented in the history,Climax on the Revolution played an important role in promoting.


    1953 年 May 30-June 3,Chinese Buddhist Association inaugural meeting was held in Beijing Guangji.The meeting elected as president of the Ying Yuan.June 3,Chinese Buddhist Association was formally established.


    May 30, 1956,Republic of China, Arab and Egypt established diplomatic relations.Egypt is located in northeast Africa,Cairo.


    May 30, 1977,China established diplomatic relations with Barbados.Barbados is located in North Little Netherlands Antilles easternmost island,Capital Bridgetown.


    May 30, 1981,Bangladesh President Zia Rahman inspected the work in Chittagong assassinated.


    May 30, 1983,Shanghai Medical Research Institute to develop China's first large-scale X-ray tomography brain scanning device,After the clinical use of 246,Proved effective,Passed technical appraisal in Shanghai.X-ray tomography brain scanning device is a major scientific and technological achievements of contemporary,At that time only the United States/Japan and a few other countries can produce,It can effectively diagnose brain tumors/Cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral embolism and many other brain diseases.


    May 30, 2003,Chinese international rescue team successfully completed the rescue mission went home Algerian earthquake.It is formed only two years of Chinese international rescue team first went to rescue operations abroad.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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